A consistent, robust and globally comparable way
to measure travel emissions in international education.
About the
There are many different calculators out there that can be used to work out the emissions from flying and other forms of travel, but they usually focus on a fixed set of parameters and rules. For example, measuring emissions within one country or region, using one location as a hub.
But international education is complex. It involves people travelling from Point A to Point B, Point X to Z and on to Y, with every possible route and combination in between. We knew that to have a consistent and globally comparable way of tracking emissions for international education as a whole, we needed something that caters specifically to the way our vibrant sector actually works.
That's why we’ve consulted leading experts in climate accounting, academia and higher education around the world to develop just that – a new tool we call the ClimateEye.
Pave the way
for a greener tomorrow.
The ClimateEye has been designed to provide a consistent, robust and globally comparable way of measuring travel emissions across all aspects of international education, including:
International full degree
Study abroad and exchange (inbound and outbound)
Transnational education and
Staff travel.
Our tool is fully customisable to accommodate the shape and size of any international education program, it is adaptable, flexible and able to work with whatever granularity of data you have.
Get in touch to learn more about your institution's emissions profile.